Custom Illustrations

Illustrations: Self-Printing

This is a great option if you want a digital illustration file of your aircraft or vehicle to print for your own use. The advantages of a digital file are they can be emailed to you so you don't incur shipping costs and wait times, or suffer the possibility of a lost package. This is especially true if you live outside the United States. Another advantage is you can print the illustration on materials I don't offer like canvas.   

Turn around time is typically 2-3 weeks or less depending on the number of commissioned illustrations I'm currently working. If your aircraft or vehicle has complex hardware or paint scheme, please contact me so I can assess your needs and any additional costs prior to ordering.

What you get:

  • Illustration of your aircraft or vehicle formatted as a 150 ppi .png file approximately 2500 pixels in width with a transparent background. Height varies with aircraft. (My art prints are always printed using 2500 pixels at 150 ppi.)

How is this different from ordering a custom art print?

Digital Illustrations are created exactly like the illustrations in my art prints but does not include elements such as background images, logos, insignia, country and state flags, titles or descriptions. 

After ordering

Send me an email at and include the following information:

  • Aircraft N number. (If it's an aircraft)
  • Recent photographs of the aircraft or vehicle with nose facing left.
  • Specify if the aircraft should be static or flying. (If it's an aircraft)

    When I receive your email, I will contact you with any questions, update you on my progress, and send you drafts to review. On your final approval, I will email you a .png file and a personal use license. 

    What can't I do with the digital illustration?

    You cannot use the digital illustration to create and sell your own products or modify the illustration to create and sell your own products. Commercial use licenses are available. Please email me for details.

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